Evidence-based insights to improve the success of collaborations
Getting Beyond Falling Short
We formed the Institute to help groups achieve more successful collaborations. We believe fulfilling this purpose starts with a robust and growing research base of Case Profiles and a focus on clear and consistent metrics for success. Insights from our research and analysis will produce understanding and actions that can close the gap between collaboration expectations and results.
What is a Strategic Collaboration?
A strategic collaboration is a group of people with a shared subject for which they need to define and produce valuable outcomes.
Shared Subjects
Take Many Forms
The subjects addressed by strategic collaborations include decisions, policies, strategies, programs, problems and opportunities. They may be called initiatives, launches, integrations or transformations. They occur within and across organizations.
Define and Produce
Better Outcomes
Executives, leaders, managers and advocates need to assess a situation, set goals and decide on the actions and resources required to produce the intended results.
Strategic collaborations are mixed-motive, non-zero-sum situations. Interdependence exists; each person’s actions and choices affect everyone else. The quality of coordinated action determines the success of the endeavor.
Crowdsourcing 10,000 Cases
The Institute is amassing a research base of thousands of high-quality Strategic Collaboration Case Profiles from experienced professionals. The Institute believes existing research into various collaboration types faces some common objections. The design and size of our research base will overcome many of those objections.
Our analysis uses a consistent definition of success
The Institute's research and analysis emphasizes the importance of a rigorous, reliable and comparable measure of success that can be examined across a broad set of Case Profiles.
The data represents groups like yours
Working with a large number of relevant cases allows the Institute to address factors such as industry, size of a group, or type of organization.
The observations apply to many types of collaboration
Our research and analysis can detect patterns and relationships drawn from a wide range of professionals, across more than 15 types of Strategic Collaborations.
Crowdsourcing 10,000 Cases
The Institute is amassing a research base of thousands of high-quality Strategic Collaboration Case Profiles from experienced professionals. The Institute believes existing research into various collaboration types faces some common objections. The design and size of our research base will overcome many of those objections.
Our analysis uses a consistent definition of success
The Institute's research and analysis emphasizes the importance of a rigorous, reliable and comparable measure of success that can be examined across a broad set of Case Profiles.
The data represents groups like yours
Working with a large number of relevant cases allows the Institute to address factors such as industry, size of a group, or type of organization.
The observations apply to many types of collaboration
Our research and analysis can detect patterns and relationships drawn from a wide range of professionals, across more than 15 types of Strategic Collaborations.
Why Does the Institute for Strategic Collaboration Exist?
Underperforming strategic collaborations present a persistent challenge. Seventy to ninety percent failure rates have been experienced for decades, without a marked improvement. The gap between expectation and execution represents hundreds of billions of dollars misspent annually. This gap shows up as waste, delay and lost opportunities for individuals and organizations. Read our paper, ‘Getting Beyond Falling Short’ to learn more.
Understanding the Gap
We conduct research and analysis on the gap. We seek insight into the root causes and consequences. Our work uses a research model designed specifically for this purpose.
A Professional Community Effort
To understand and improve collaboration success our research brings together a growing community of professionals with expertise and commitment to this critical topic.
Insights that Drive Improvement
The Institute will extract best practice insights and surface tools and techniques that turn those insights into more coordinated activities and better results.
Your Role in the Institute
The Institute seeks strategic collaboration Case Profiles from our expanding community of professionals with direct experience with a spectrum of activities that include decisions, policies, strategies, programs, problems and opportunities. They may be called initiatives, launches, integrations or transformations. They occur within and across organizations.
Provide a Case Using Our Concise, Efficient Form
Our Case Profile Form allows you to provide key characteristics of a strategic collaboration case in about five minutes.
Invite Others to Participate
Please encourage others to contribute their Case Profiles to the Institute’s Research Base. You probably know other professionals whose experience and observations would be a valued contribution to the Institute’s research and analysis.
Get Customized Insights
If your organization has undertaken ten or more Strategic Collaborations recently, the Institute can tailor our analysis for you.
Please contact us: info@strategiccollaboration.org
Your Role in the Institute
The Institute seeks strategic collaboration Case Profiles from our expanding community of professionals with direct experience with a spectrum of activities that include decisions, policies, strategies, programs, problems and opportunities. They may be called initiatives, launches, integrations or transformations. They occur within and across organizations.
Provide a Case Using Our Concise, Efficient Form
Our Case Profile Form allows you to provide key characteristics of a strategic collaboration case in about five minutes.
Invite Others to Participate
Please encourage others to contribute their Case Profiles to the Institute’s Research Base. You probably know other professionals whose experience and observations would be a valued contribution to the Institute’s research and analysis.
Get Customized Insights
If your organization has undertaken ten or more Strategic Collaborations recently, the Institute can tailor our analysis for you.
Please contact us: info@strategiccollaboration.org
Benefits of Membership in the ISC Community
You become a Member of the ISC Community simply by providing one or more Case Profiles.
Throughout our ongoing research, you will receive our analysis and findings. These insights will be directly relevant to you and the groups you collaborate with on important matters.
The Institute's independent, broad and deep Research Base built on real-world collaboration Cases provides a basis for benchmarking collaborations that you and your group undertake.
Success Metrics
We believe strongly the right success metrics are fundamental to understanding and improvement. Our Case Profile form collects success data in a consistent manner. This allows meaningful comparison across collaboration subjects, organization types and sizes and other important parameters.
Success Drivers
A large and expanding research base of Case Profiles will allow objective and insightful assessment of the characteristics that correlate with levels of success. This will inform the development of tools and techniques that enhance collaboration effectiveness.
The Institute for Strategic Collaboration works to address fragmented and incomplete understanding of the dynamics surrounding strategic collaborations.
The Institute brings together a group of talented and experienced business leaders. Our founders’ expertise and perspective include:
- leading global business units of F50 companies to early-stage firms
- formulating and implementing complex initiatives in private and public sector organizations
- providing advisory and analyst perspectives to professional services and technology-based firms
- developing and delivering unique collaboration methods, software capabilities, and services
- management consulting on projects, initiatives and transformations with small, focused leadership teams and groups including hundreds or thousands of participants
- teaching collaboration topics at leading US and international business schools
We are a nonprofit organization.